I love reading articles by other writers. Now this is one article that will come in handy someday... Have fun!
Even the most well planned date can turn into a complete disaster. The keys to dealing with these disasters as they arrive include preparing ahead of time, maintaining a calm attitude, being honest with your date and being willing to laugh at yourself in certain situations. Keeping these ideas in mind will help you to weather the storms that may arise on a date.
You and your date may be two very compatible people who are sharing a date filled with activities that you both enjoy but even this ideal date has the potential for disaster. One thing that can bring an otherwise fun filled date to a screeching halt is having the conversation come to a lull.
Even two people with a lot in common may reach a point on the date where the both run out of things to say and the conversation becomes awkward. This is perfectly natural as dating in itself is somewhat awkward so it is understandable that there may be moments when the conversation fades.
Although this is natural, if you allow it to persist the date could become a disaster leaving both of you feeling uncomfortable. The simple way to avoid this situation is to plan ahead and have a list of conversation starters planned. This doesn’t mean to actually bring a list along on your date and pull it out when the conversation fizzles out but do think about a few interesting things you would like to talk about on the date so that even if you get nervous, you will have a few ideas of what to talk about.
Choosing a very popular restaurant can also have the potential for dating disaster. If you plan to go out on a weekend night to a very popular restaurant you run the risk of having a substantial waiting period before you are seated. If the restaurant does not take reservations and you are determined to take your date to this restaurant, be prepared for the long wait.
While you are waiting, it is important to maintain a calm attitude and not become agitated by the length of the wait. If you become upset, your date is likely to sense your frustration and will also begin to feel upset. Remaining calm and keeping your date entertained with pleasant conversation is one way to avert the dating disaster that often results from a long wait to be seated at a restaurant.
Blind dates are simply dating disasters waiting to happen. Friends and family members often think that they know who your ideal match would be but they are also often wrong.
When you agree to be set up on a blind date, it is important to go into the date with a spirit of adventure that will enable you to have a good time and see past any flaws that your blind date may have. The way to truly avoid a dating disaster though is to be honest with your blind date about your feelings. They are likely a little apprehensive about being set up as well but if you break the ice by letting your date know that you are nervous they won’t feel so nervous either. Also it is important to be honest on a blind date.
Failure to do so can lead to the disaster of having your date leave at the end of the date with an inaccurate opinion on your view of the date. Blind dates can be fun filled adventures if you allow honesty to prevail.
Another popular dating disaster involves one of the members of the date, doing something that is embarrassing. Whether you trip while carrying dinner from a take out restaurant or spill hot chocolate on your date, your clumsiness is setting up the date for disaster. It’s important to remember that these mishaps happen to everyone and that they do not mean that the date has to end immediately. If you are able to laugh about the incident, your date will realize that it is okay for them to laugh as well.
However, if you are uptight about the incident and refuse to see the lighter side, your date will feel awkward and not quite sure what to say. Letting your date know that you see the humor in your mistake helps to avoid a dating disaster.
Every date has the potential to lead to disaster but in most cases these disasters are easily avoided or solved.
Being calm and accepting of your own faults are two simple ways to solve dating disasters. Also, being prepared for certain situations can be one way to put a quick end to dating disasters.
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