I followed up the presidential campaign that went on for months and was really thrilled at the resilience and tenacity Barack Obama exuded.
He must have been laughed at by his peers for such an 'awkward' dream when he told his friends, mocked at by his colleagues at the firm he worked with when he went ahead to contest for the House of Reps but failed.
Getting up to head for a tougher task must have taking a lot of 'will-power pushing' from him but he made it to the Senate for three terms, yet he went on to contest for presidency.
Many people would have backed out when they saw Senator Hillary Clinton, believing her husband's supporters would apply their midas touch to her campaign but NO! He wouldn't be swayed. He moved on.
Even when the race seemed tougher, it appeared he got even more challenged to make it to the end and YES, he did make it.
Barack Obama, through his resilience brought to reality a dream Great Martin Luther King had.
It took his resilience to bring smiles to the black race.
Just one man's dreams, one man's efforts and one man's success!
He did not have two heads nor four feet but he kept pressing on.
Who told you, you can't make it?
Now get up and dust your butt!
The only thing that can hinder you from achieving your dream is 'YOU'.
The world sees and accepts what you exude. If you exude lack of confidence and willingness to be a loser, the world will see you as that.
Now take your pen and paper and scribble down what you would love to be; whether or not your present condition supports it.
Keep your eyes on that dream, never loose sight of it. No matter what you are going through.
Strategize positive ways to achieve that dream. Write out detailed stepped on achieving it.
Set a time frame for achieving it. Don't be too hard on yourself; set attainable limits.
Never settle for less. No matter the little you are able to get, put in your best as if it(your task) were the best. Is it a job? Put your best into it, you are building your future.
Be diligent at what you do. It will someday speak for you.
Be honest and truthful. Uphold the principle of accountability on your finger tips.
And last but not the least, be persistent, no matter the set-backs, till you reach achieve your goals.
I have been challenged by Obama's story and i believe, the fact it has never been done does not mean it can never be done.
Remember, put all your hopes and dreams in the able hands of God and ask Him for the grace to see you through.
I believe YOU CAN!
I love you!
- 'N'