Take a look at yourself... Hmm! Are you not just unique?
I believe everyone is unique because there is something about you that can never be duplicated. Let the best copier do his best, let his try with all his might, there is an area in your life no one can beat you to. So you see, you are unique. Some people maybe wondering" I have not seen that extremely special thing in me, what is she talking about?
Everyone has been blessed with a talent. Some have more than others but that does not matter, what does, is how you utilise it. I will talk about talents on some other page, for now, my focus is on You.
When you look through the glossy pages of Celebrity Magazines, the first thing that comes to mind is the the seemingly perfect nature of these people. You often wish you were as handsome as Ramsey Noah, Pat Attah, etc or as charming as Genevieve Nnaji, Omotola Jolade etc. it is normal to feel that way but where there lies a well of problems is when you begin to develop a complex because you believe you can never be as gorgeous as they are.
Dear, you may not be exactly like they are but you posess something they are deeply dying to have. Don't get depressed at the features you don't like in you, try to forget the bad features and concerntrate on accentuating the beatiful ones people commend you on. If you are a lady and you believe you are ugly, {sincerely i don't believe you are} get the right make-up and ask a friend of yours who is so good at making up, to do the magic. you will be amazed at the out-come. The way you look behind the make-up at the end of the day should not bother you. If you were to wipe off the make-up from the faces of all the ladies on the street, you will gawk at some. hey, that does not mean they are ugly!
If you are a guy, play on hair-cuts and beard shaving styles, till you get one that suits you. They can't look bad altogether. Now groom yourself, the nails, the hair cut or hair do, the dress sense. Create an identity of your own. Let people know you for looking good, if there's no money, just go simple but good. Once you have gathered confidence in your appearance, the rest of your self-esteem will grow.
Now discover what you can do unaided and without much efforts. This has got to be a positive thing. Is it drawing, playing field games, indoor games, singing, playing insruments, cooking...etc. it's a long list. Discover it and build it. Work on it everyday till it becomes perfected. Now make yourself derive pleasure doing it because you know many would struggle to do this without reaching a beautiful result like you have.
The next is working on your weaknesses. try to enhance your weaknesses. Don't be scared at it, the best way to deal with a problem is by tackling it,it may be a tough thing to do but i believe the more you tackle a weakness, the weaker it becomes.
See you on some other page!