Guess What?
There's no problem without a solution...
All you have to do is,
Realize there is a problem,
Admit there is a solution,
Talk to a someone about it,
Fall on your knees in prayers,
and stay addicted to this blog!
You'll never regret trying...
Now wear a smile.
...where we treat Vital Issues.
You are dating a guy and the first commandment he gives you is
And you chuckle thinking it's a joke, only to be embarrassed by him whenever he sees you with some other guy.
You have this lovely girl who seems to be the kind of lady you would love to take home to Mama but for her constant misbehaviour; She gets really physical with any girl she sees around you. What would you do?
You, who couldn't tolerate a boyfriend/girlfriend who went ballistic every time you glanced at another man/woman, are doing just that. And if you think your jealousy will keep him/her loyal, get real; jealousy tears relationships apart, as it will soon do to yours.
Below are 10 sage tips for keeping your distrust in check. But remember; although you're the one who's overreacting, his/her actions play a part in your reactions. Any of these techniques could backfire if employed without due care and prudence. You have been warned.
Number 10 Ask yourself why you're jealous
First, you have to get to the root of your feelings. The way you react to things has been wired into your brain over time, as your collective experiences shaped your character. Let's break them down and see which one resembles you:
Past experience: Your last girl cheated on you, and you've been on high guard ever since.
You're a player yourself, dawdling amongst the womenfolk, so you assume that she's going behind your back as well.
You drink or take drugs: Yeah, toxic substances have that grating little side effect of making you a paranoid freak.
You're not used to a social woman: A woman who's always around friends, both male and female, is a foreign concept, therefore untrustworthy.
You're insecure: Let's face it; you don't think you're good enough for her, so you go crazy with the thought of losing her.
You're a pessimist: You think that all good things must come to an end, and this one surely will. That is, unless you make an ass of yourself trying to prolong it with excessive protection.
She told you about her past: So she's an experienced one and her old flames are still in town. The thought of her sleeping with ex-boyfriends drives you nuts.
She always wants to have sex with you:
Here's one you didn't expect, but her uncanny sexual appetite gets you green-eyed. You fear that if you're not around, she'll want to have sex with another guy.
Number 9
Have her turn the tables
Nothing like a mirror to make you see how silly you look. If you're the controlling type who calls her every hour to inquire about where she is, have her do the same to you.
After a few days of incessant and irritating check-up calls, you'll realize that it's annoying and irrational. You'll see that not being in your sight 24/7 really isn't that big a deal.
Number 8 Speak to her friends & family
Talk to the people who know her best sincerely and candidly. Ask them in a non-confrontational way to talk about your girl, and let them reassure you what a good woman you have.
Also try hanging out with her friends to know more about that part of her world (i.e. the world without you). Maybe you'll see that, hey, they're not all two-timing tarts like you once thought.
Number 7 Face your fears
If you think that each second away from you is a man-tasting party, go out with her and see how harmless her nights out really are. You should meet all her friends, especially her guy friends. The cold hard facts will keep your imagination from scuttling away.
Number 6 Inquire if you're curious
Yes, you might even want to do the unthinkable and -- it's a long shot, but -- talk to her about it. Articulate how you've been feeling and she'll do her best to reassure you there's nothing to worry about. If you must, get details on her time away. So if she tells you she's working late, for example, ask with whom and how long she'll be.
I'll tell you more tomorrow, Please keep a date!
Some people fidget at the thoughts of dating. Some think aloud wondering what they will be expected to do at the date. Even though some people are used to going on dates, a different girl or guy can make theem feel like a thirteen year old going to a prom. So now ladies and gentlemen, what are the 'do's and 'donts' on dates.
Let's see...
General Dating Rules
Always look great, whatever your income. Gorgeous hair and some lipstick and wearing rags will still turn his head. You have the advantage, you are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a potential Mr. Right anywhere at any time.
Never reveal information you don't have to. An enigmatic woman drives men wild.
Keep dates brief but your men interested. Less is always more.
Try and stay in shape and involve some fitness regime at a gym. However much you hate it, your Mr. Right loves your body as much as your mind.
Let your man pay. If he is interested, he is interested enough to ensure you eat well and get home safely in a cab.
Ensure you receive flowers, if he doesn't know what a florist is, dump him.
Never ever sleep with a guy until he has fallen for you. Sex early in your dating game plan will ruin everything.
Always keep a guy waiting and never turn up early. It is a lady's perogative.
Never be available when he wants you to be. Never be at the end of a phone when he calls and always let him leave a message or two first before replying.
If he is available Tuesday, you are available Thursday.
Weekend shopping trips with girlfriends are sacred and not available for dates.
Keep your man standing on quicksand by shifting landmarks and goalposts constantly.
Ensure you are a good kisser. Men will walk away if you cannot kiss. Practise on a mirror if you have to.
Never ever talk about previous boyfriends and particularly their prowess in the bedroom. The number of ex boyfriends is your business only.
Never pre suppose anything about your date until you choose to know him better. You cannot always tell by looking
If any man shows the slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity run like the wind. Life is too short for boys.
If his shoes or hygiene are a disgrace dump him
Never talk too much about your father and how your date measures up in comparison.
Never ever come across as too available or too desperate, he will run a mile. He is the one doing the chasing remember.
If the guy in the corner is gorgeous go and get him and create the need in him for you. Never wait for men to come to you because you may watch him leave with someone else.
You may well have all the bodily functions of a man, just try not to demonstrate them early on.
If you are wanting a child, don't mention it on the first few dates.
Never ever criticize his mother unless you want to remain single.
Always let them come to you, don't chase via email
Block anyone who annoys you instantly
Place the best & most vampish photo up you can find
Don't reply to instant messages with clever opening lines
Remain aloof and let yourself be chased
Always reply to emails at least 3 days after receipt
Never provide you true email or phone details to the man
Always date safely and protect yourself at every turn
Make sure your login name is stunning and sexy as well as enigmatic
Do not login for hours on end. Short, rapid visits are best
Do not assume the man you are talking to is destitute or sad
Never ever reply to emails at weekends, wait until a weekday
Never state how good your sexual performance is in your profile
If you don't want to date married men spell it out in your profile
A man who doesn't reply to your email within 3 days should be ignored
Make sure your humor levels come across in text
Do not chat to hundreds of men at once, the delay in replying is a dead giveaway and your Mr. Right will be off.
Don't even think about misrepresenting your size or description. They will find out.
Come across as cool and sophisticated for best results
Always remember ladies that you are a sexy desirable woman and the world is your oyster. Always let men do the chasing and always let yourself be the chooser. Always stay safe and never risk yourself for the sake of attending a date. Always use a safe dating website like
This is naughty, sassy and sizzling hot!!!
Ladies, do you know your bodies can speak volumes when your mouth is mute?
Find out how!
This is the language where you don't need any words. Women have been doing it for hundreds of years - to attract the man they want. Becoming fluent in body language will ensure that you will be skilled in attracting the right man, and sending the get-lost signal to the wrong man.
Eyeing Up the Prize
The more eye contact you establish with the target, the better. Start with some sidelong glances. Then, begin with direct eye contact. Once he turns to meet your gaze, immediately lower your eyes and smile to yourself, this will tell him that you were watching him and are embarrassed that he caught you - a sure sign of interest. Next, be bold and try holding his stare, flashing a small, open-lipped smile.
If there is a man that is giving you the eye and you are not interested, look away from him and don`t look back at him again. When in conversation, looking at the ceiling and all around the room, also shows a definite lack of interest.
First Impressions Count
You leave your home ready to go to a party when you spot your gorgeous neighbor, and he doesn't give you a second glance. Why? Because you aren't dressed your best. When you enter a room, most people look to see who has come in. This is when you have to make an impression. Looking your best will make you feel your best. So make sure that before you leave your front door, look your best, and you never know you might just attract the attention of that gorgeous neighbor.
The Hand Job (no, not what you are thinking!)
Even without direct contact, your hands can send very powerful messages. There are a number of ways to convey that you want to get to know someone. Keeping your hands unclenched shows you're open to him. Using your hands to caress objects, such as the rim of your glass, locks of your hair, or the sleeve of your blouse, in a rhythmic (as opposed to fidgety) manner, can be a sensual act. And for the braver hands, try picking fluff off his jacket, touching him to punctuate a point, or using the "accidental touch" when reaching for the salt.
Hands that are jammed in pockets, busy cleaning glasses, or balled in tight fists are all bad signs. Fingers tapping, drumming, pointing, or wagging are also signals to move on.
Stand Out
Your posture is one of the most telling signals you transmit. An open posture is evidence of an open person. Turning your body toward the man you're conversing with, keeping your feet flat on the floor and leaning forward are actions that show interest. As well, slightly tilting your head, crossing and uncrossing your legs, and thrusting your chest forward give the message that you are interested.
As for ways to send a man packing, crossing your arms, holding a drink high in front of you, turning your body away or resting your feet on their toes will tell a person you are not interested.
A Few Extra Tips
Hopefully by now, you have an attack plan and a clear idea of when it's time to get down and dirty, or when you're best just to wave the white flag. Here are just a few more tips when trying to perfect your body language skills:
You'll know things are going really well when you begin "mirroring" one another's body language and gestures.
Don`t tease him by offering more than you plan to follow through. This can lead to very ugly circumstances.
Chain smoking, being extremely intoxicated, or having eyes only for your plate of food will not put you in the best standing for the body language game.
If you try your hand at it, and he's not responding, abort the mission immediately.…
Following him around all night will only serve in making you look needy and desperate.
And finally, if all else fails, buy yourself a T-shirt that reads, "Looking for Love."