Bose was a pretty but quiet girl. She was intelligent but would never utter a word in class, when a question was asked, for fear of being laughed at by the rest of her class mates. This fear extended till she was a working class lady. She was seen as unproductive as she could not provide the company she worked in with ideas. Why? She was scared of being laughed at. Need I tell you she did not get promotions as expected? Inferiority Complex!
It bites deep into the flesh of people. It makes them feel they can’t when actually they are. It ruins people’s chances of making it in life; venturing into opportunities.
Many people get bitten by the bug of at early ages. Some got it even in the womb. Surprised? Now let me break that down. Some people were born out of wedlock. Their fathers rejected paternity to them, their ‘supposed’ grandparents made their mothers go through hell because of the mistake and when they were born, they were not celebrated like other babies are. They grew in an unfriendly environment and just got surprised to see other kids treated with so much love. Now when their peers boast of the love and attention they receive from their parents, all they do is sit in a corner to listen and wish they had this treatment. They stay away from people for fear of being exposed. They get scared that anyone would know their family story and call them ‘Bastards’. Inferiority emerges in full force. Some who would want to be heard would break down the walls of their fears and get forcefully accepted. These kids turn into bullies because they would not want people to trample on their integrity. Complex!
Another type of complex comes from the experiences as a growing child. Parents make the mistake of preferring some of their kids to the rest. A child who was always scolded, never appreciated, never treated with love, has the tendency of developing a complex with time. The curses, abuses rained on the kid gradually sink into his sub consciousness. If he was always told he is a failure, he may gradually loose confidence in himself and believe he is definitely a failure. Some of us were fortunate to be praised almost all the time, that an inferiority complex never raised its ‘hydra head’ but a couple of us were not.
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Point 1.
- Even if the pregnancy was unwanted, you are not unwanted.
I’m not saying this to make you feel good; I’m saying it because it is a Fact! Your mother may have had a wrong timing and the pregnancy came but God never made a wrong timing, you came at the right time. What your parents did was just a process but God was your maker. You are his programme.Your mother was just a process to bring you into the world just as he used the Virgin Mary to send the Lord Jesus into the world. They may see you as a mistake but you are just a programme. Now all you have to do is discover your purpose and work towards achieving it. How do you get it, find out what your talent is, Sweetheart, that does the magic!
Point 2
- Do you know how many people wish they were You?
You think that is a tease. Definitely not, My Dear! Now let’s start with the process of your coming into planet earth. Do you know how many sperm cells that struggled to fertilize your mother’s egg in her womb? Each sperm cell is a human being that would have taken your place but emerged successful, the winner. Now you may say you were sent into a cruel environment or family. Now that was to groom you.
You would not be whom you are today if you did not have the experiences you had. The tough ones made you stronger and the nice ones refreshed you. So you succeeded being alive while the rest died in the ‘reproduction track’ unnoticed. So there was no way you could emerge winner if you were not special to God. The people you wish you were have their flaws which might be your strength. They would give anything to have it but it is solely yours for keeps. Develop it, Sweetheart! Read the page on ‘Who am I’ for more details.
Point 3. The Most Important.
How do You survive being ‘You’?
The Lord who created you is your strength! You are the apple of his eyes. He would not waste his time to create a worthless programme. Everything he created, he called good, so what right has anyone to say otherwise? Now turn to him for an understanding of what you were created to be. ‘He sees the end from the beginning.’ ‘He knew you before you were formed.’ Take King David for instance, incase you never knew, David was born out of wedlock. He was treated less than his brothers. He was left to fend for his father’s sheep, exposed to all types of risk. That he had to kill a lion and a bear by himself. God, who created him, was always there for him. even when Samuel, the prophet came to anoint the sons of Jesse, David was not brought out. They simply said there was one let in the bush. If it were not that God knew what he wanted, Samuel would have anointed someone else but God insisted on the ‘shepherd boy.’ When Samuel questioned God, he said ‘he searches the heart not the appearance.’ Then the little shepherd boy was anointed King before his elegant brothers.
Who said you are worthless?
Build your self confidence, believe in yourself ‘through Christ who strengthens you’ (Phil. 4:13) and soar through greater height. The sky is your stepping stone!
The problem is at not trying. If you try and it fails, keep trying till you get it. Never give up till it’s up! If you are scared of talking, build your confidence by reading wide. You don’t have to be a talkative, talk intelligently; when you must talk and where do you get the info from? Reading, listening and watching! You will be amazed at the outcome. Take a look at those whom you admire, do they have two heads? If they do, then give it up. They were not born with it, they developed it!
I’m waiting to get your feed-back on the outcome, I believe so much in you. Never forget that and don’t blush if I say I Love You ‘cause I really do love you.