Your goals are awkward!
You can never make it!!
You are heading for a downfall!!!
You don't have what it takes to be it.
Blah, Blah, Blah!
Other people can help or hinder you in doing what’s right for you but NO ONE other than you knows what is right for you, and NO ONE other than you is looking out for your best interest 100%. No one. This is not meant to scare you, but to liberate and empower you. Once you realize that everyone is doing what’s right and best for them in that moment, you are free to make your own decisions as to what to do for yourself.
Other people spend an awful lot of time, often with the best of intentions, trying to make other people conform to their view of how things are or should be. This can take the form of artful persuasion or it can take the form of bloody warfare; either way the root is the same: trying to impose one’s will on another.
Once we understand the Law of Attraction, once we realize the awesome creative, reality-shaping power each of us possesses, the implications of such a statement are stark; people’s lives are being dictated by other people. How about yours?
Are you letting someone else tell you what to think and believe and how to live? Or are you, under the guise of love or morality, trying to decide how other people live? Both circumstances are detrimental to the joy and fulfillment of all involved.
The more you push against something, the more you validate and therefore strengthen its existence, so in trying to change something about another person you only enforce the very behavior and situations you’re trying to eradicate. You create the exact opposite of your desired result and, in doing so, reinforce your own belief that the situation is as bad as you thought it was.
The way to change the world is to change yourself, not other people; live the life you dream of and the world you live in will mold itself to the world of your dreams.
One person is not right and the other wrong. One person’s judgment does not determine another’s worth. One person’s fulfillment is not dependent on another’s approval and one person’s happiness is not determined by another’s actions.
You and other people are different for an incredibly important reason, one that’s crucial to the very nature and purpose of life in the Universe. The contrast and variety we experience, that which seems to cause so much conflict and disagreement, is the only way for us unique extensions of a singular consciousness to develop preferences and perspectives, the very stuff that desires are made of.
And that’s what the Universe is made up, after all: the ever-changing stuff of our
Here’s how it works with you and your perfect partners in creation known as other people:
• You change your reality;
• Other people drawn to your reality gravitate towards you and help strengthen and expand it;
• Other people repelled by your reality gravitate away from you, keeping you free of their encumbering influence on further strengthening and expanding the reality you’ve created.
Isn’t that nice for everyone? Give these a second thought, will you?
Love you,