This period is the most infectious. Just like the yuletide, you perceive 'love' in the air. Gift shops are filled with people shuffling shelves for presentable gifts to offer their beloved ones. Ladies who had doubted the sincerity of their men look forward to the 'D-day' with both fear and excitement, Playboys rack their brains for possible excuses to give their numerous preys, lovers look forward to giving their their best to their loved ones; either via gifts or with the union of their bodies.
Valentine days reek of all forms of love. Agape, Erotic or the 'just friends' love.
My heart palpitates as the 'day' draws near...
The big question is, Do We Really Love on Valentine's Day?
Many have bought sexy lingeries and erotic perfumes to wear on 'that day', these are so nice but are we not missing out something?
This blog should be glittering with all sorts of love poems one could think of. Ones you could send to your loved ones, just to let them know that you care.
This blog is basically about 'LOVE'.
There are a lot of people who would give anything to be smiled at everyday. They are human beings like us, it's just sad that fate had to put them in their present predicament.
Most of us were born into homes filled with love. As a matter of fact,many looked forward to the day they would see the beautiful bundle of love that had been hidden from human eyes for nine months(us). There were lots of flowers, bibs and baby gifts given to our parents to welcome us into the world. People carried us in turns.
This is not the same with everyone. Some babies were born into the world, rejected.
Some of these babies were hated from the day they were confirmed alive. Some of these babies never had the 'loving motherly cuddling' babies receive, most of these babies were dumped in hideous places which culminated in various infections that left them sickly. Some were mutilated as foetus that they are presently disabled. These babies just like every baby stretch out their arms, yearning to be carried and appreciated like other babies. These babies starve because only few people remember they exist. These babies yearn for your love this Valentine's day.
How about the beggars on the street. Some walk past them, wringing their noses at the supposed 'gory' sight. They are human beings like You and I. These people don't experience the joy we do. They don't enjoy the luxury we enjoy. I doubt they know what Chicken tastes like. On festive days, they remain at the same spot you see them, begging for alms, only to be given #5 or #10.
The hospital beds still have patients writhing in pain, even on Valentine's day.
Some of them feel left out. Some of them depend on artificial oxygen to breathe, some virtually live on medications, some o them have been left behind by relatives that feel they've had enough of their complaints. These people need your love.
Valentine's day is a beautiful day. I am glad a day was set aside to 'love'.
While shopping for your Valentine gifts, how about buying a 'little something' for either the 'motherless' babies, the beggar on the street or something sweet for someone you don't know at a hospital.
This is one of the ways you can touch people's lives on Valentine's day.
You will not only place a smile on the face of the person you give to but also on God's.
Who knows, you may be giving God something this Valentine...
'When i was hungry you gave me to eat, when i was thirsty...'
'Lord when did i see you hungry and ofFered you food?'
'Surely, as you did to men, YOU DID TO ME!'
I wish you a lovely Val's day.