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Realize there is a problem,
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Talk to a someone about it,
Fall on your knees in prayers,
and stay addicted to this blog!
You'll never regret trying...
Now wear a smile.
All you have to do is,
Realize there is a problem,
Admit there is a solution,
Talk to a someone about it,
Fall on your knees in prayers,
and stay addicted to this blog!
You'll never regret trying...
Now wear a smile.
...where we treat Vital Issues.
10 Most Obvious Signs To Know If He Is Serious In A Relationship
He may not have said he loves you yet or even asked to be his girl but watch the little things he does and you'll soon be able to tell whether he's really serious about you.
What's a sure-sign that he's absolutely crazy about you? When he showers you with flowers? When he gets jealous the minute you look at other men? Or when he stays at your place every night for a week? Actually - none of the above. If you'd like to be sure you're not kidding yourself when you imagine the two of you together in the future - look to the little things he does, not the big showy romantic gestures. Here are the most 10 obvious signs that he's serious about the relationship.
"Hi, what are you up to?"; "I thought I'd let you know I made a reservation for dinner as I said I would and it's at 8 o'clock like we agreed" are the kind of comments that give away the real motive for this kind of call; he misses you; is head over heels for you and; can't go one more second without speaking to you. While you talk he ignores all incoming calls and signs off "I can't wait to see you again." Give him extra points for thoughtfulness if he calls you at work and is sensitive enough to realise you can't chat so he says "I won't keep you because I know you're busy but I just needed to hear your voice."
When he says he's going to be there on the dot at 8pm, he's never more than a few minutes late. And on the rare occasion he is held up he pays you the courtesy of calling so you don't have to needlessly rush to get ready. This kind of punctuality might seem an insignificant thing - but it speaks volumes about his respect for you. It shows that he cares about what you think of him so he wants to demonstrate he's reliable.
When you're in a mid conversation at the cafe he doesn't play with the fork nor is he distracted by the conversation at the next table. His eyes barely leave your face because he is hanging on every thing you say. He doesn't dominate the discussion by interrupting, finishing your sentences or taking the conversation in a new direction. He is genuinely listening! It is clear in the way he laughs sincerely when you tell him something funny and responds to what you are saying by giving you is opinions on the subject, making helpful suggestions and sharing his own similar stories.
And it's not just the usual body talk like how gorgeous you are or what bra size you wear. They know what car you drive, what you do for a living, that you love japanese food but can't drink red wine because you get a rash. It's not like thay've been asking for these details - it's just that he can't stop talking about you 24/7!
Not that one - the other F word - fidelity. Just when you're worried that he might think you're dating with no strings attached he says "I want to be clear what we're doing here - I want us to be boyfriend and girlfriend and to me that means being faithful to each other. Do you feel the same way?" With an enormous sense of relief and elation you say "yes" to being his girl and as you kiss passionately and each pledge fidelity, your mutual trust and intimacy immediately grows. It's official: He considers you a couple.
When a guy falls for you in a big way he'll want to know everything about you and that includes a full understanding of your likes and dislikes. If your hobby is collecting retro furniture he'll have the good grace to feign interest when you spend all afternoon scouring second hand shops - although he'd rather be home working on his car. Don't worry - he's not becoming a "yes" man - he's simply trying to get closer to you in every part of your life - and sharing your interests is an obvious way to do it.
Not only does this gesture shout "I trust you" it also shows that he's certain you're going to be in the picture for a long time to come. Men are often very protective about their domestic domain. They may hold off taking a new girlfriend to their flat in case she thinks the decor is daggy or starts thinking that maybe he's hinting he'd like her to move in when that's last thing on his mind. In light of this, being given the key to his place is like passing an intimation ceremony - now that your relationship has graduated to the next level he is letting go of his bachelor ways and saying "what's mine is yours"
No rolling onto his side the second he climaxes and no quick descent into snoresville after a perfuntory cuddle. Instead, the afterglow of sex is charged with emotion, touching and intimate disclosures. He wants to know if you had a great climax and wants to tell you how the earth moved for him as well. Chances are he's already desiring to make love to you again. Or if he's too tired to do so he'll hold you, stroke your face and nuzzle your neck while the conversation is incredibly intimate.
From the moment he met your friends he made an effort to remember all their names. Now that you've been dating a while, he's considered one of the gang. He talks to your pals about everything from boy troubles to cramps and makes an effort to say all the right things. He'll also hassle your shy single friends to get up and dance with the two of you so they can enjoy a spin on the floor without feeling like fair game. Don't presume that being such a SNAG is his second nature - any man who makes an effort to win over his girlfriend's posse wants to keep her happy and to be around her as much as he possibly can.
In just about every decision he makes - from which shirt to wear to a job interview to which kind of car he should buy, he solicits your opinion. This indicates that he respects what you have to say and that he believes you not only have good judgement but have skills, abilities and insights that can help hi, improve his life.
10 Signs a Man is Not Ready to Commit
Ladies, I know you have these conversations, because I have them all the time with my girlfriends: how do you know when a man is ready to commit to you?
We’ve all heard the conventional wisdom that a man should pursue you, should show an interest in being with you, should take you out and wine and dine you.
But, once you get past all these ‘qualifications’, how do you know when a man is really ready to commit - to you? I am going to look at that question today in the reverse, and give you the 10 signs that say the man with whom you are involved is definitely not ready to commit. They are as follows:
1. He is Noncommittal and Vague About His Feelings
You can never quite get him to admit to the depth (or shallowness) of his feelings for you. You are ‘okay’, ‘alright’ or ‘straight’. He hasn’t made any proclamations about what you mean to him, how important you are to him or what he thinks about you. In the best-case scenario (if your man is not particularly talkative), he shows his feelings, even if he doesn’t tell you about them. He is polite, courteous and responsive to your needs. He cooks for you. He mows the lawn (unasked). Or something along those lines. The worst-case scenario? He doesn’t share any of his feelings with you because he doesn’t have any. The deepest feeling he has for you is the aforementioned ‘alright’. And nobody wants to be just 'alright'.
2. He Doesn’t Share His Plans With You
You don’t know how he spends his free time. You don’t know who his friends are. You don’t know what his goals are. Yet he seems to have a whole, entire and active life completely apart from you. This is not a good sign. If you are not a significant part of his current life, you are probably not a significant part of his future plans either. If you are in a new relationship, give it some time. But if you still know very little about him after dating him for several months (or several years), this man is quite happy to keep you right where he has you – on the outside looking in.
3. He Doesn’t Answer the Phone When You Call
Yes, I know we all get busy sometimes. I don’t answer my phone at least 30% of the time (I have to work and sleep, you know). But if, he rarely or never picks up? Or if he is only calls you in response to a message (or several) you’ve left on his phone or because he sees your number on his caller ID? Bad, bad, bad signs. A man who is interested in you wants to talk to you. No matter what else he has going on – work, family, children or whatever. You should be a priority to him (or at least your phone calls should be). If you are not, you need to re-consider his being a priority in your life.
4. He Hasn’t Introduced You to Anyone (or Introduces You as a ‘Friend’)
Okay – this is simple. If a man has not introduced you to anybody he knows (and he at least has a mama, a couple of friends, co-workers, or somebody), you are probably not very important to him or his life. Why do I say that? What’s one of the first things you do when you meet someone (that you really like)? Introduce him to your friends or invite him to different functions. Men are not so very different from us – if they love having you around, they will invite you to be where they are. And, in the normal course of those invitations, you will meet people who are in his life. If you haven't, then beware. And, closely related to this:
5. He Doesn’t Tell Anyone About You
When you talk to him, he may mention conversations he's had with his family or friends. He tells you all about these conversations where he discusses baseball games or the basketball finals he watched on tv, the repair he's having done to his car or how his boss is getting on his nerves. He may even mention to these aforesaid friends and family his weekend plans. But, then you catch on to something - he told them what he was going to do, but not with whom he would be doing those things (namely, you). A simple oversight? An overriding need for privacy? Possibly. But, more than likely, he is not ready for anyone to know of your existence in his life. This could be for a number of reasons, but none of them are good. So, keep up with his mentions of you in his life - it is an important indicator of intent and the seriousness with which he takes your relationship.
6. He Talks About His Future in Terms of ‘I’
When he talks about where he's going to live, what job he plans on getting or what school he plans to attend, it's all about him. "I'm" going to move to Florida or "I'm" going to go to the University of Nevada. Or, even when he talks about things that could conceivably involve you, like a future trip, moving from his apartment to his house or even a movie he plans to see, for heaven's sake, still no mention of you. What should this say to you? That he's still thinking of himself in terms of being single. It has not yet occurred to him that the relationship he has with you could become more serious. All those "I's" and lacks of "we's" is his subconscious way of telling you that he does not consider you to be his partner.
7. He Doesn’t Take You Out
Sure, he likes spending time with you - but only in the privacy of his home. Or, he can hang out with you at school, but it never seems to go further than the coffee shop or library. This man is not ready to be serious with you. A man who wants to be with you will spend time with you in a variety of places - both publicly and privately. And even if he's not personally very interested in going to the museum, eating out or seeing a movie, he should at least be willing to give it a shot if it means pleasing you. Beware of a man who limits your activity to one specific type of place.
8. Only Calls Late (aka Treats You Like a Booty Call)
Right. I'm sure you're not engaging in late-night conversations with inapproporate men. But, just in case this applies to you (and you are accepting those late-night calls), just understand that he is not serious about you. If he only calls late, you have to ask yourself: what is he doing between the hours of 8am and 9pm? Why can't he call then? Is he involved with someone else? Is he married or recently separated? Or does he simply see you as a way to get his needs met (whatever they are)? Unless he works a really odd shift, there is no reason that your guy cannot call you at a reasonable hour. Do what seems right to you, but know that late night calls do not equal serious intentions.
9. He Doesn’t Share Personal Information
Have you ever asked yourself why you don't know where your guy lives? Or where he works? Or you're not even 100% sure of his last name? Unless you are truly just disinterested (or aren't inquisitive enough to ask him), it's probably because he doesn't want you to know. And why doesn't he want you to know? He could be hiding something. Or, most likely he doesn't consider your relationship to be serious enough to share the serious information about his life with you. Don't think so? Try asking him thoe questions the next time you see him. His answers (or lack of answers) will speak for themselves.
10. He Doesn’t Take an Interest in Your Activities or Your Future Plans
We've already been over the fact that he doesn't tell you his future plans. But now, to add insult to injury, he doesn't ask about yours either. Why is this such a bad thing? Let me ask you something - to what kind of people do you fail to ask questions like these? That's right - acquaintances. People you barely know. You even talk to your boss (who you can't stand) about what you plan to do for the weekend. Yet your guy doesn't ask? Very suspicious. Suspicious enough for you to rightly think that he simply isn't interested in knowing. Or else - he'd ask.
So those are 10 good signs that the man with whom you are involved has no intentions of being serious with you. He may be a good guy - fun to hang out with, good to his dog - but he has not reached the level of being ready to be committed (at least not to you). If it is a new relationship (a year or less), wait a while and see. But if it has been over a year, your best bet is to keep your options open. Don't let the opportunity to be involved with someone who is commitment-minded pass you by while you wait for your guy to get a clue. Again, do what you feel is right for you, but put yourself first. Honor your own needs. And try to be with someone who accords you that same respect.
Hi everyone, it's been a while i last posted. I'm really sorry. i have been so busy lately. As a way of making it up to you, I saw this article at and thought i should share it with you. Enjoy!
Can you accept the moments of anger and fear as guests, be willing to receive them with kindness without feeling obliged to serve them a five-course meal?
-Christina Feldman in 'Compassion: Listening to the Cries of the World'
From "Positive Energy," by Judith Orloff, M.D.: Certain people give off positive energy, others negative. It's the quality of someone's being, a measure of love with which they've led their lives. It also reflects the inner work they've done, their efforts to heal anger, hatred, or self-loathing, which poison us like toxic fumes. Energetically these linger, precluding joy from shining through. It's important to grasp, however, that once you undertake the process of healing, it changes the quality of even the negativity that remains. Don't be too hard on yourself-we're all works in progress.
They exude an inviting sense of heart, compassion, and support. - You intuitively feel safe, relaxed, wanting to get closer. - They emanate a peaceful glow. - You feel better around them. Your energy and optimism increase.
You experience a sense of being demeaned, constricted, or attacked - You intuitively feel unsafe, tense, or on guard. You sense prickly, off-putting vibes. - You can't wait to get away from them. - Your energy starts to fizzle. You may feel beleaguered or ill.
I'm a big fan of being proactive in generating positive energy. The First Prescription's formula for success: Do whatever makes your inner light burn brighter. In other words, try to treat yourself and everyone else with love. It's a constant process of tuning in: finding people who support your spirit, trusting your gut-centered decisions to guide you. Then you won't end up in a relationship that looks right but feels wrong. Or miss the chance to meet a loving man or woman because he or she doesn't fit some preconception. When you're with trying people, aim for the high road; find common ground, rather than inflame negativity. The care with which you approach life is intuitively evident in your energy field. We can feel each other's love: that's the great attraction. Spread openheartedness around.
God bless you.
Dear fans,
I'm sorry i get so busy these days but i've got something from Mike Hardcastle, Enjoy!
Getting happens to the best of us and nothing feels worse. Losing love is hard enough but add rejection to the mix and it can be devastating.
When you've been dumped it feels like your world is closing in to smother you and you wonder if you will ever feel happy again. The good news is "yes" one day you will feel happy again, you will love again and the loss will become nothing more than a life experience. But when you are in the middle of it, caught in those end days of a once blossoming relationship, it can feel like the confusion will never end. Relationships don't just end.
It doesn't play that one day you are part of a happy couple floating around blissopolis only to find that the next day you are flying solo and moving in to dumpsville. Like it or not you can always see a break up coming. There are always clues.
When we sense a looming break up we often retreat in to denial and this is why actually being dumped seems like such a shock. But the reality is that anybody who is willing to look can see the writing on the wall long before the relationship actually ends.
What kind of things signal that the relationship is coming to a close?
Here are the 12 most common signs that the end is near.
- S/he is suddenly busy all the time, and never seems to have time to spend with you. When you find yourself becoming less and less of a time priority, even if the reasons for the distance seem logical, it is never a good thing.
You find that only your fingers do any walking. If you are the only one who ever picks up the phone, especially if the phone calling used to be split pretty equally, break up bells should start ringing.
When you call, more often than not you are asked to leave a message. Be it a parent, sib or friend, if somebody else always seems to answer the phone and take a message you are probably being screened, and we don't screen people we want to talk to!
S/he says s/he is one place but is really another. People do not tend to lie for no reason, if s/he is not being honest about where s/he is or who s/he is with there is rarely a noble reason for the deception.
You don't seem to connect anymore. Remember how when you were first getting together you would run into each other in unexpected places, like between classes or at the mall? If these "accidental" meetings become less common place it may be no accident at all.
Her/his friends seem distant. When somebody wants out of a relationship they often let their friends in on the secret well ahead of time. If your steady's friends seem less friendly it is a good indicator that they know something you don't and that it probably isn't good.
The lovin' is gone! When affection and PDAs (public displays of affection) start to dwindle it could mean the fire of love is also going out.
S/he starts introducing you to new people as "a friend". If s/he is calling you a friend that is all s/he sees you as -- bottom line.
You seem to be fighting a lot about little things. Lots of little fights often mean much bigger things are really at issue.
Kissing and telling. Respect is a relationship essential, once it has been compromised the relationship often follows suit.
You just can't seem to do ANYTHING right. Be it the style of your hair or the way you walk, if your steady suddenly finds fault with everything you do s/he is probably trying to push you away.
You avoid any conversation that begins with "we have to talk" or "I don't know how to say this." If your steady is using these opening lines a break up speech usually follows. If you are avoiding conversations that start like this it is probably because you sense that a break up is near and think that if you avoid the talk it won't happen.
You are wrong. If a person wants out of a relationship they will get out whether you let them tell you or not. Avoiding this talk is just prolonging the inevitable. Break ups can be harsh but they hurt less if you face facts rather than hide from the truth. Good luck!
When you've been dumped it feels like your world is closing in to smother you and you wonder if you will ever feel happy again. The good news is "yes" one day you will feel happy again, you will love again and the loss will become nothing more than a life experience. But when you are in the middle of it, caught in those end days of a once blossoming relationship, it can feel like the confusion will never end. Relationships don't just end.
It doesn't play that one day you are part of a happy couple floating around blissopolis only to find that the next day you are flying solo and moving in to dumpsville. Like it or not you can always see a break up coming. There are always clues.
When we sense a looming break up we often retreat in to denial and this is why actually being dumped seems like such a shock. But the reality is that anybody who is willing to look can see the writing on the wall long before the relationship actually ends.
What kind of things signal that the relationship is coming to a close?
Here are the 12 most common signs that the end is near.
- S/he is suddenly busy all the time, and never seems to have time to spend with you. When you find yourself becoming less and less of a time priority, even if the reasons for the distance seem logical, it is never a good thing.
You find that only your fingers do any walking. If you are the only one who ever picks up the phone, especially if the phone calling used to be split pretty equally, break up bells should start ringing.
When you call, more often than not you are asked to leave a message. Be it a parent, sib or friend, if somebody else always seems to answer the phone and take a message you are probably being screened, and we don't screen people we want to talk to!
S/he says s/he is one place but is really another. People do not tend to lie for no reason, if s/he is not being honest about where s/he is or who s/he is with there is rarely a noble reason for the deception.
You don't seem to connect anymore. Remember how when you were first getting together you would run into each other in unexpected places, like between classes or at the mall? If these "accidental" meetings become less common place it may be no accident at all.
Her/his friends seem distant. When somebody wants out of a relationship they often let their friends in on the secret well ahead of time. If your steady's friends seem less friendly it is a good indicator that they know something you don't and that it probably isn't good.
The lovin' is gone! When affection and PDAs (public displays of affection) start to dwindle it could mean the fire of love is also going out.
S/he starts introducing you to new people as "a friend". If s/he is calling you a friend that is all s/he sees you as -- bottom line.
You seem to be fighting a lot about little things. Lots of little fights often mean much bigger things are really at issue.
Kissing and telling. Respect is a relationship essential, once it has been compromised the relationship often follows suit.
You just can't seem to do ANYTHING right. Be it the style of your hair or the way you walk, if your steady suddenly finds fault with everything you do s/he is probably trying to push you away.
You avoid any conversation that begins with "we have to talk" or "I don't know how to say this." If your steady is using these opening lines a break up speech usually follows. If you are avoiding conversations that start like this it is probably because you sense that a break up is near and think that if you avoid the talk it won't happen.
You are wrong. If a person wants out of a relationship they will get out whether you let them tell you or not. Avoiding this talk is just prolonging the inevitable. Break ups can be harsh but they hurt less if you face facts rather than hide from the truth. Good luck!
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