Outrageous lifestyles of the very successful are envied by most of the world. Are you part of the envied? Or are you part of the envying? If you are living a successful life by your own standards, congratulations. If you haven’t quite reached that level yet, then this article is for you.
There are several characteristics that those who practice successful living possess. The characteristics listed below are NOT any of them. In fact, they are the opposite. See if you possess these characteristics and, if you do, my advice to you is… change.
The Dreadful Dud
The dreadful dud is the person who answers questions with one word. Any time there is anyone who wants to initiate a conversation with the Dreadful Dud, the conversation is dead before it gets started. These people are not mean or necessarily rude.
They just don’t believe they have much to contribute, so they cut it short as much as possible. Consequently, the conversations become fewer and fewer.
Eventually, the Dreadful Dud gets the reputation of the dull guy or girl. Or
you might say he or she is a dud. Don’t be a dud. Practice your natural personality. Did you know that you were created to enjoy life? Did you know that life is meant to be tasted?
There are juices inside to be experienced. When was the last time you took a chance? Live life as it’s something to be loved. Practice makes perfect. Practice passion. Practice charisma. It’s who you really are.
The Social Soloist
The Social Soloist is the person who never begins to live and love life. This
person finds him/herself at home, alone, on the couch, every night, watching silly reality programs. The Social Soloist finds purpose in who is going to have to eat the next set of buffalo testicles or who is going to be kicked off an island.
The irony of the whole thing is the Social Soloist is at home experiencing
nothing while he/she watches those who are actually living and loving life.
Does that make sense? Instead of trying to escape through the boob tube, get out and meet people. If you must start small, invite some people over to watch a decent movie.
Eventually, it will develop into a social fun time and, who knows, it just may
move out of the TV room.
The Pitiful Procrastinator
Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Ever hear that one?
How ridiculous! Have you ever known anyone that lived by this motto? How
frustrating! The Pitiful Procrastinator always finds him/herself stressed out
and behind in life. Why? They keep putting it off! Everything is always put
off until later. Nothing is ever done in time. And when it eventually gets done,
it’s shoddy and half-way completed.
They just want to hurry up and get over with… whatever “it” is. Laundry. Homework. Dishes.
Meetings. Confrontation. Putting gas in the car. Changing Careers. You name
it, it never gets done when it needs to get done. Life will pass the Pitiful
Procrastinator by. And when it’s too late to make up his/her mind, regret
will take hold. Do not let regret arise and dominate your mind. Instead, take
control of your mind right now. Make a freakin list and stick by it! Don’t fall
prey to the practice of the Pitiful Procrastinator. Remember, practice
makes perfect.
The Unknown Optimist
These people have such positive energy they could suck the life out of
the room if they were to make a phone call during a New Years Eve party.
While everyone is having such a good time, making plans and looking
forward to the future, the unknown optimist looks to the dark side. The unknown
optimist looks to the dark side of everything. If you were to tell this person that
he just one $1,000.000.00, he would say something like, “Great! Now I’m going to be
in a higher tax bracket and have to pay more taxes.”
The unknown optimist lives in a vacuum that you do not want to live in. It’s
the “everything sucks” vacuum. Take inventory of your overall attitude.
Don’t take the extreme opposite route either. If you go to the opposite extreme,
you’ll find yourself on the Pollyanna platform. A great place to be is in the
realistic but optimistic middle. While you’re there, be sure to live and love life.
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