I posted something close to this last year but the attitude a lot of people; especially the youths, put up made me go back to that topic.
Many people look at celebrities, their friends and colleagues, wishing they were the those people. You wish you were richer, sexier, taller, fairer and evryother word that has to do with 'rer'.
Some people actually let their wishes turn into envy. That you unconsciously begin to compete with the other person.
I know a lady who resorted to bleaching creams because she wished she had a lighter complexion as her friend. All she succeeded doing was destroy her skin. Not only did she not achieve the fair complexion her friend had but she had patches on her skin which were adverse effects of hydroquinone.
Some people totally reject themselves just because they live in the illusion of becoming someone else.
Don't get me wrong, it is not bad to admire someone. You can admire the way someone grooms him/herself and apply a thing or two to improve your body care. But there lies a thin line between admiration and envy. The feeling is totally wrong when you feel a tinge of hatred.
Envy makes you smaller than you think you are. It reduces your creativity as you put in a lot of effort to either compete with the other person or you try to be the other person.
Now, that will do for envy.
* Lack of self worth is a terrible vice.
It rips you off the confidence you spent your whole life building.
Never think you are good for nothing else you would not be here in the first place.
Some people; maybe your parent, boss, teacher may make you doubt your self worth by the venomous words they spit out at you but you are the one who can change all of that. That is by the way you treat yourself.
If you feel you can never do anything right,
- take your time to cool off.
It is actually a way your mind tells you it needs a break.
- Stay in a serene envionment and re-assess your life.
- Those who have made it don't have two heads or more eyes than you do, actually the amount of hard work they put into their lives turned things around for them.
- If you don't know your talent, try to discover it.
What can you do effortlessly? That is what makes you positively different from others. It will make you unique if you put your best to it.
- Ask a good friend of yours to point out your strengths. Capitalize on those strengths and boost your ego with them but hey, don't be arrogant!
- Accept constructive criticisms and spare no time on ego-stripping conversations.
The person whom you admire may yearn so much to have that which you have.
So why don't you start appreciating yourself?
I know you are better than you think you are, just make your body, soul and spirit ooze it for all to see.
'If you want to be a Millionaire, think like a Millionaire.'
I love you.
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