This is daring but it's a fact. Enjoy!
What is the difference,
With making love and having sex?
With sex,
There's no emotional involvement.
With love there is.
Sex can be performed with anyone,
With love,
That person has to be someone special.
Sex is Lust,
Making Love involves Love.
Today many don't believe in love,
The word has many meanings,
But none of them are express in today's society.
Sex is preverted love.
Even through sex and love to many is the same,
There is a differences,
I'm here today to make this claim,
So when you met someone for the first time,
Do you want to go to bed with them because of Lust or Love?
Let me explain.
For me,
If I meet someone on the street,
And is turn on because,
She has a big butt,
Big breast,
Big beautiful lips,
Nice hips,
If I see that person only for that,
It's lust,
I want sex.
But If that same person in which I meet,
Interest me,
I get to know her,
I enjoy talking to her,
Being around her,
Seeing more then just the body,
That is love,
Two in love can have sex,
But two in lust,
Can't make love,
These are my diffenences,
Making Love and Having Sex.
Copr.1999 Larry "Ajani" Bolin Published by Sabaoth Enterprise
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