It crawls down one's spine as though a drop of honey. Slow, sticky, painful. It stops at the chest with a dull pang. threatening to cease one's breath. unconsciously, tears cascade down your cheeks as your entire being recks in spasmic sobs. I know that feeling!
Many things lead to heart break but the most common is when your loved one jilts you. When the well of love in you was just beginning to pour forth it's content. Sometimes, the fear of heart break could make people give up the hope of ever falling in love. there's no way you'll fall in love without entrusting a part of you into the other's hands. By a part of you, i mean your heart. Some people just choose to misuse such opportunities by taking the others love for granted. I could go on talking about the process of heartbreak but i would not want to bore you with that. Instead, how can you overcome a heartbreak and possibly love again.
It may seem the world has lost it's worth at the face of a heart break. You may attempt harmful actions but one thing for sure you need to ask yourself is, Is this man or lady worth my hurting myself? Because the truth is, no matter how much you hurt yourself, the culprit will never mind. Possibly in the process of executing such harm on yourself, the other may be having the fun of his or her life. So why hurt yourself? No one deserves the hurt instead those who do will never hurt you!
Now how can you handle a heartbreak?
- He or She expects you to sulk over the incidence, instead, crush the issue beneath your feet in your mind.
- Stay around your family for warmth, if you have none, try hanging out with friend.
- Never let your friends know about the break up, to avoid taunts.
- Wear a new look.
- Develop a new positive attitude and hobby.
- Smile, no matter the hurt. It will gradually fade off the hurt.
- New vibrant ward robe.
- Renew yourself. There's someone out there who will stop at nothing to have you. Look good to attract him or her.
- Learn something new. Something to enhance your skills and take your mind off thinking.
Sticking devotedly to this will cause a positive outburst in your life.
Remain beautiful!